Smokin’ Hot Computers: Firemen and Data Retrieval

Earlier this month, TechLoss’ very own Bob Karbin had the incredible opportunity to speak in front of the Fire Investigators Strike Force, a non-profit dedicated to educating fire-investigating professionals. The topic of Bob’s presentation? Data retrieval after a fire.

With an audience of active-duty firemen and police officers, Bob spoke about the different kinds of hard drives, how data is saved and where, and the importance of cleaning contaminated equipment immediately. Speed is already a priority for the work done by these dedicated men and women, and speed is equally important if any information is going to be collected from a computer, DVR, or even cell phone that’s been in a fire and then soaked by a fire hose. Waiting too long could result in corrosion—and the loss of evidence.

TechLoss has a lot of experience with fire losses and their criminal investigations, and Bob had a hard time not running over his two-hour time slot. He had a blast presenting and is now an honorary, life-long member of the Fire Investigators Strike Force.

For nearly 25 years, TechLoss has investigated fire-damaged electronics, and our expertise has helped law enforcement and insurance companies quickly close cases and claims. If you have a question about fire-damaged technology, contact TechLoss today.